How Smart Packaging is Changing eCommerce

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How Smart Packaging is Changing eCommerce

Millions of people across the globe receive, purchase, and create packages every single day. As 2020 keeps moving along, so does the introduction of custom, smart packaging inventions. 

What is “smart” packaging? A highly technical solution for specific uses. While this packaging is still in the early ages of adoption throughout the industry, many companies are eagerly looking to implement these new materials into their productsAnd though new variations are on the horizon, what we’ve seen so far is incredibly impressive.

First, from E Ink and LivingPackets, The Box is one of the recent products to emerge in smart packaging. Some of the features include a ruggedized exterior to last up to 1,000 trips and digital ink labels that only use power to change information. The Box will also include sensors to track temperatures, humidity, and shocks.

Next, imagine if you could heat up your lunch on the same device that charges your phone. By combining food and beverage packaging with loT technology, your package of food and an induction heating device can communicate directly to each other.

Last but not least, it’s immensely disappointing when you go to grab an ingredient from your pantry or fridge, only to realize that it’s gone bad before you could use itA food sensor, developed by scientists and engineers at Imperial College London, can tell you everything you need to know through an app on your phone before you’ve even purchased the item. We know that packaging needs are constantly evolving, and we are committed to exceeding all your expectations at Pioneer Packaging! 

Contact us today to partner with Pioneer Packaging.


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