In the ongoing battle between the H-Loc Trapped Blister and the traditional clamshell package, we put the recyclable trapped blister against the all-plastic clamshell in a fight for sustainability. We have already proven that the trapped blister is safer than the clamshell, eliminating the “wrap rage” that often leads to injuries when trying to open clamshells with sharp tools and knives.
Not only is the trapped blister safer for consumers, but it is also safer for the environment. Read on to learn more about the trapped blister, the clamshell and sustainability.
How Sustainable Is Your Packaging?
The Clamshell: Clamshell packages are made with primarily plastic materials, and harmful ones at that. PVC, which stands for polyvinyl chloride or vinyl, is a common material used for clamshells due to its durability and versatility. However, PVC is not biodegradable, making it difficult to break down and contributing to more harmful waste in the environment. PVC is also difficult to recycle, and its production involves the use of chemicals that can severely affect people’s health, making it truly unsafe for the future of the environment.
The H-Loc Trapped Blister: In contrast to the clamshell, the trapped blister uses only a minimal amount of plastic. The plastic it does use is recycled PET, or RPET, which contains the product and is then surrounded and trapped by corrugated cardboard, the most recycled material on the planet. PET stands for polyethylene terephthalate, a durable material that is often used to make soda bottles and water bottles, and can be recycled into new products. The trapped blister also utilizes water- and soy-based inks and adhesives. This minimizes the need for oil-based products, making the package easier to recycle and contributing to a greener, healthier future.
H-Loc, 2. Clamshell, 0.
Stay tuned for Round Three: Marketing.
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