If you’ve watched television, shopped online or walked down the aisles of any store lately, you know back-to-school season is upon us once again. That means it’s time for kids and parents to stock up on items they’ll need to be ready to return to school in just a few weeks. Consumer spending is expected to reach nearly $26.2 billion this year, or $696.70 per household, on K-12 back-to-school items. Fifty-three percent of shoppers said they intend to do most of their shopping at department stores; 50% will buy from discount stores, and 49% plan to shop online this season.
Pioneer Packaging Worldwide offers packaging solutions for your company to stand out in the crowded field of back-to-school products. Whether you’re selling pens, pencils, crayons, lunch boxes, cleaning supplies, or lunches geared to the classroom crowd, here are a few things to watch for this year.
Stand out with patterns and colors. To catch the eye of the back-to-school crowd, your packaging should incorporate bright colors and patterns in their design. For inspiration, look at Crayola’s back-to-school products. The iconic company utilizes patterns and shapes in its packaging to draw young consumers to is ubiquitous products.
Make your packaging functional. In this age of recycling, consumers prefer packaging that can be used throughout a product’s lifecycle. For example, Staedtler pens come in a a reusable box, so kids can easily store them for organization and travel.
Use a back-to-school tie-in. Little Debbie helps parents remember the brand, utilizing “Back-to-School” graphics in its lunchbox-ready snack cakes.
Complement your product. Showcase your product by using packaging that shows consumers – especially children – what’s inside. This can give your product transparency and fulfill expectations. Kids love to know what they’re buying.
For the latest ideas in making your back-to-school products stand out utilizing the most effective packaging possible, contact us today. Pioneer Packaging is the leader in digitally printed packaging, offering you ways to deliver you the most cost-efficient, high-end quality possible, regardless of the quantity you need. We offer rapid set-up and adjust your look and messaging for maximum relevance and impact. We are also G7 certified master printers, which means that we hold color matching standards that will continuously assure consistency of the production color.
Pioneer Packaging. If you have a back-to-school or packaging project, we have a solution. Imagine it . . . Done