Many companies, small and large, are working hard to offer refillable packaging to eco-conscious consumers. Not only is sustainability a concern among most consumers, but brands are embracing this value in their company’s strategic efforts.
By embracing the possibilities of innovative sustainability solutions, new trends are emerging, including refillable packaging. So let’s explore what it is and how it works.
Innovative Sustainability Using Refillable Packaging
Brand leaders are looking for ways shoppers can purchase a container of their product and refill it repeatedly without having to repurchase the entire product again and again.
For example, Seed, an eco-conscious gut health company, has made tremendous efforts to consider sustainability in its packaging details. Not only are they packaging their gut-friendly microbe supplements in glass bottles, but they’re also asking customers to send in their glass containers to be refilled every time they wish to replenish their supply.
Another excellent example of progress in refillable packaging is Mars Petcare, a European-based company taking steps to reduce plastic production. Using bulk containers distributes more products and uses less plastic than smaller containers. Single-use containers are distributed on-site where customers can fill and refill using a pet food dispenser.
This innovative solution makes refillable packaging more commonplace in the market and is something consumers should expect from the brands they support.
The Sustainable Benefits of Refillable Packaging
Less Plastic —
Refillable packaging is a fantastic way to reduce the total consumption of plastic in the manufacturing process. This type of sustainable packaging cuts down on demand for producing and supplying brands with environmentally harmful packaging. Reusable and refillable product packaging is a beautiful component brands should start implementing wherever possible.
Less Money —
Saving costs in packaging production makes sense for any brand. You’re using fewer materials by refilling packaging, and just as with replacing plastic bags with reusable shopping bags, consumers become more conscious and comfortable with these adjustments. So, dramatically, cutting back on packaging materials benefits the business, the consumer, and everyone else in the supply chain.
Recyclable —
Refillable packaging is typically used with recyclable products. Using glass, paper, or recyclable plastics keeps the cycle of eco-conscious behavior running smooth. Not only do consumers have the opportunity to refill their reusable packages, but they can also recycle the packaging when necessary.
Easy Customization —
Refillable and reusable packaging designs are easily customizable and reinforce to your customers the value placed on sustainability by your company. Consumers are becoming more concerned with the values of the brands they purchase from than just the product itself.
As more brands prioritize sustainability, more innovative solutions will become available. Eco-conscious packaging efforts are gaining popularity across the spectrum of startups and global corporations. Collective initiatives in building a system of sustainability for the consumer are worth it environmentally and financially.
Pioneer Packaging; Your Full-Service Packaging Solutions Company
For over 35 years, Pioneer Packaging has been the go-to source for frustration-free product packaging that sells. Our creative designers work closely with you to ensure your brand is recognized for quality in packaging design and materials.
So whether you’re looking to get your paper product packaging at affordable prices or attract new consumers, we can create a design fit to meet all your demands. We strive to keep costs down to help our customers keep their brands moving along production lines. Contact Pioneer Packaging today and learn why we’re a leader in packaging efficiency solutions.