The 6 R’s of Sustainability with the H-Loc Trapped Blister

A large white garbage bag filled with trash sitting in a doorway


“Sustainable” is a word we throw around this blog often enough, but what really makes something sustainable? Truly sustainable packaging is not just an added perk used to market products, but rather a way of operating and achieving a safe, healthy environment. The H-Loc Trapped Blister is a sustainable packaging solution made from recycled PET (RPET) and recycled corrugated cardboard, but its sustainability comes from more than simply raw materials. Below, learn about the 6 R’s of sustainability and how the trapped blister accomplishes each.

  1. Remove:Keeping the environment safe requires getting rid of the harmful materials and emissions that put us in danger. The H-Loc Trapped Blister removes the need for traditional clamshell packaging, which uses unnecessary, excessive and hazardous plastic such as PVC.
  2. Reduce:By reducing materials, the trapped blister reduces cost and reduces waste. The minimal amount of RPET that trapped blister uses to contain products helps to cut down on clutter, while reducing the store light glare and “wrap rage” that come along with clamshells. Additionally, the trapped blister reduces theft, tampering, greenhouse gases, toxins, emissions and water usage.
  3. Reuse:The H-Loc Trapped Blister uses 100% post-consumer RPET plastic, which is made from used and recycled water bottles, and recycled corrugated cardboard, which is the most reusable material on the planet.
  4. Renew:Using material from a source that is renewable further contributes to a greener future. The trapped blister’s natural soy-based inks and water-based adhesives come from resources that can easily be replenished.
  5. Recycle:The main material used for the H-Loc Trapped Blister is corrugated cardboard, which also happens to be the most recyclable material in the world. And because the trapped blister’s production process does not leave sticky residue on plastic, consumers can separate and recycle the packaging easily.
  6. Reach:Achieving sustainability involves continual creativity – coming up with new solutions that further reach goals for greener living. The H-Loc Trapped Blister is just one step toward a more sustainable future.


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